Monday, March 28, 2011

Gallivanting through The Gap

Hopalong and Nipliquor celebrated their birthdays at this Sunday's meet and we sang Happy Birthday in both English and German (thanks to Topless for the words - viel Gluck!) We're all getting more ancient....

Bush and burbs and a creek crossing featured on the outing. Darcy was the only one who fell in - but that was probably deliberate. The runners, having negotiated Superhacker's cunning trail pretty well, decided to add a loop for fun - and ended up lost and benighted in the wilds behind the Ashgrove Golf Club. Things can go very wrong when we try to think for ourselves!

The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness is upon us...and the time has come once more for us to move to a 4 pm start. This will be for Leave Pass's run on April 10th - in a fortnight's time. Make a note of it....

And here's a little birthday story:

A man asks his wife, "What would you like most of all for your birthday?"

She says, "I'd love to be ten again."

So on the morning of her birthday, he gets her up bright and early and takes her to a theme park. He insists that she goes on every ride - the Death Slide, The Screaming Loop, the Wall of Fear, and more.

She staggers out of the park five hours later and he then takes her off to the movies. They watch a cartoon, and have popcorn, soft drinks and sweets. At last he drives her home and she collapses into bed.

Her husband leans over and asks tenderly, "Well, dear, what was it like being ten again?"

She groans, "Actually, I meant dress size!"

Next run details
When: Sunday 3rd April, 5 pm (the last of the summer start times)
Where: Corner Buranda Road and Clear Mountain Road, Clear Mountain
Hares: Charcoal and Strine

On, on!