Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Old Homestead

Was this the last time we'll meet at the Old Homestead? It seems our hares are loading and hitching up their wagon to head north (well, a kilometre or two north, anyway) and it could well be that the next time they host a run it will be elsewhere. Rumour has it that the location is close to where the runners got hopelessly lost a couple of months back. They'll be wiser next time.

Over the years we've got to know the back blocks of Mitchie and the tracks along the Brook pretty well. This didn't stop some of the walkers from losing the trail - they were talking at the time - and didn't stop the runners from needing a hint or two from the hare as well. He was awarded a down, down for the runners' loop in particular. 

Back home, and under strict instructions not to muddy the floors, we were treated to some triffic beef stroganoff, a vegetarian option, and home-made apple pie. Yum! Many thanks as usual to our hares!

It was good to welcome back Floater (don't know what she'd done with Scratchit) after a huge two months of walking and sightseeing and visiting in Europe. She's planning their next jaunt already....

And Culture has been very busy organising the Samford 1924 Day festival next Saturday. She put in a plug during the circle. A number of other hashers are involved in serving up food and wine. Should be a great day!

Here are some of Snappy's shots from the Old Homestead and its surrounds....

The gathering and chalk talk:

The walk:

Another cloud study:

Back at the Old Homestead:

And here is Cash Converta's picture of the moon - it did look good:

Next run/walk details
When: Sunday 30th June, 4 pm
Where: John Scott Park, Samford Village
Hares: M. Promptu will set the trail; Potluck will cater (please bring something to share)

On, on!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Big Donk's First Time

It was either a record, or darn close to one - there were 38 of us on Sunday at Big Donk's virgin run! It says a lot for the quality of his decking that there wasn't even a tremor as the noisy crowd packed in and lined the veranda. And it says a lot for the quality of his catering skills that there was not only enough beaut chicken curry for everyone, but enough for everyone to have a second helping as well! And we did...and followed it up with an ice-cream cone, just to warm ourselves up on a chilly night.

A well-marked trail had taken walkers and runners along the scenic South Pine river, where Cash Converta snapped some scenic autumn colour - and an indication of the height the last floods had reached:

Congratulations and many thanks to our virgin hare! He was awarded a down, down in celebration....

And Hash jeweler, Jamesbondage, had been busy. Recently-named Honkers was presented with her Hash name necklace:

Here are a couple more of Cash Converta's photos from the occasion, and lots more from Hash photographer Snappy. Thanks to them both.

Gathering and chalk talk:

One of Snappy's cloud studies:

The walk:

Back at the hare's place, on a well-built deck:

And ice-cream!

Next run/walk details   

When: Sunday 23rd June, 4 pm
Where: Le W*nk and Lax's little home on the Mitchelton prairie
Hares: Lax, Le W*nk and Co.

Please bring chairs. And if you need directions to this run please email us.

On, on!