Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Tour de detours

Houses in Upper Kedron continue to multiply exponentially, like bacteria on a nutrient-rich agar plate. And the infrastructure-builders have to respond. Does this explain why the walk on Sunday included what Budgie describes as an "interesting" route through "many detours around road construction...."? Some hashers were once again tied up with SPADEwerx activities, others were away, and one couple had to deal with a livestock emergency. Hence numbers were once more limited to "a small but hardy group" of about twelve, and quality, not quantity, was the order of the day.

Here are a few shots from the walk:

The onon was held at the new Upper Kedron Cafe 63 where, again according to Budgie, there was "plenty of light from the setting sun and noise from infernal machines". The latter sounded interesting - were they perhaps the "machines of Satan" that Milton describes in Book 6 of Paradise Lost? But apparently what Budgie meant were "grinders and juicers". I suppose Satan might have a use for these as well. Thanks to our hare, Leave Pass!

Talking of matters Satanic, our Halloween run is coming up on October 29th. As is our tradition, this will be the occasion on which we move to a 5 pm start time, so please note this in your diaries. Here's a video reminder as well:

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 22nd October, 4 pm (last of the winter runs!)

Where: Dragonfly Park, Warner. A map!

Hares: Banger and Make an Offer


On, on!