Thursday, December 22, 2022

Hashy Christmas 2022

"And so this is Christmas. I hope you have fun" - perhaps not the most inspired lyrics by Mr. Lennon, but thanks anyway for the good wishes, John. Yes, we did have fun on Saturday night, and this post is packed with photos that prove it.

The theme for this year's Hash Christmas party was Oz Film and TV, and this clearly provided a rich vein to mine for costume ideas, ranging from the simple (Paul Hogan as stand-up comic) to the most elaborate (Queens of the desert), from the historical (Ned Kelly in the 1906 classic movie) to the up-to-date (Bluey), and encompassing along the way some of the most "iconic" and recognisable characters to feature on the Australian screen.

It was hard to get Priscilla the bus up the driveway, but this stunningly exotic couple managed it, and wowed us all with their fabulous costumes and make-up. Mile High and Hugandkiss, you outdid yourselves this time! Amazing!

Kath and Kel showed off all the right moves - and there were plenty of delighted screams as the effluent couple were joined by Kim. The latter had brought along a lifesaver she'd picked up at Summer Bay.

Mick Dundee turned up as well. That's a knife!

As it was a lively Saturday night we should have expected Ossie Ostrich. And Hoges came along with the bird:

Crikey! The Irwins were there! Crocodile Hunter and Dino Hunter as well!

Effie from Acropolis Now provided a bit of class, as did the mysterious Miss Fisher, and (of course) the Dame herself, complete with gladioli:

Classic children's TV was represented by one of the Twists from Round the Twist, and modern TV by Bluey:

Snugglepot and Cuddlepie have starred in a filmed musical as well as the ballet:

Drinks and nibbles on the patio were followed by an incredible meal on the deck and patio. Thanks to everyone for their contributions, and to Hash Cash for keeping us well hydrated:

And then it was time for Secret Santa. Everyone seemed happy with their gifts - no ointments of any kind this year!

Surprisingly enough, fifteen of us turned up the next day for a recovery run from the Ferny Grove Sports Club. The traditional wait for the M----s:

And the usual great meal from Little Nyonya:

Next Sunday is Christmas Day, so...anyone who wishes to turn up for a post-prandial stroll or scamper, and to share some leftovers, is welcome. The New Year's Day run will be a chance to share more.

Next run/walk details (for anyone who turns up - we're not expecting many (or even any)!)

When: Sunday 25th December, 5 pm

Where: Andy Williams Park, Cedar Creek. A map!

Hares: Culture and Haughty

On, on!