Tuesday, August 2, 2022


Sunday saw a big turnout, which included a few newbies. Missdeamenour set the trail with enough flour to feed a small village for a week. It wasn't a flat run, she included as many hills as she could possibly fit in.

The first obstacle was a shut gate. It was interesting to see the different approaches to scaling it. Some were not very elegant. From then on it was up and down, up and down.....

One of the newbies (Liam) breached the hash dress code, which shocked a few people. For this offence he was given a down-down.

After we had recovered from the hills we had some rather tasty soups - three in fact. This went down very well with the throng. Shockjock treated us to some of his latest brews and latest endeavour - coffee roasting. How does he find time for work?

A few shots from Sunday:

Help me I'm stuck

Not a pretty sight

Off and racing

We're not mountain goats!

Naked lady in the window

No active wear here

Next weeks run/walk details

When: Sunday 7th August, 4 pm

Where: Cnr Buranda Road and Clear Mountain Road, Clear Mountain. A map!

Hares: Strine and Charcoal

It might be wise to bring a chair.

On, on!