Monday, January 11, 2021


The lockdown doors suddenly clanged shut for three days this weekend, which meant that Charcoal and Strine's run had to be postponed - at the last moment. We were thrown back to hashing in twos or households...a bit of deja vu all over again, eh? What was new this time was the requirement to wear masks anywhere outside the house. And here are a number of us trying out the experience of exercising with a restricted oxygen supply....

Mollie was the only one of us who seemed to enjoy wearing a mask, and who actually ran with one on:

Shockjock set his own hash run, and still managed to get lost:

(Mind you, this old blogger has just been enjoying a couple of glasses of Shockjock's "spiced pumpkin porter", and is far from certain that he'll be able to find his way to bed afterwards)

Meanwhile Floater and Scratchit avoided having to wear masks at all by being creative at home (the leprechaun stairs are evidently for the pantry):

Though the lockdown has now eased, gatherings in public places are still restricted to 20 people for the next 10 days (unless the gathering happens to be for the purpose of watching test cricket). So for this coming Sunday we are back to where we were a while back - with a couple of venues, a sign-up sheet, and BYO food and drink. And you must have a mask with you, although you don't have to wear it outdoors.

Next run details

When: Sunday 17th January, 5 pm

Where: 2 venues - John Scott Park, Samford Village, and H.T.Ireland Reserve, Eatons Hill. Up to 20 people at each venue. Please sign up online via the link emailed out, or email us with your preference.

Hares: M. Promptu will set the run. BYO eats and drinks.

On, on!