Monday, November 2, 2020

The dark heart of Samford

The latest issue of The New Yorker magazine includes a cartoon depicting a Halloween event. The MC is announcing, "And the award for the scariest costume...goes to the guy not wearing a mask." How true - at least in the US, which recently recorded almost 100000 new cases of Covid-19 in a day! But we've always made the same joke at our Halloween runs - and this year once more there were plenty of hashers who considered themselves scary enough in their own skins....

Some frightful dressers:

A scary shirt from a team which had ripped the Wallabies apart the night before:

And a rather scary hat, too:

Almost 30 walkers and runners took part in a tour de Samford which began with a perambulation up and down Main Street before taking to the back blocks. The new Samford Hub was one of the items of interest on a route that traversed the site of the homestead and yards of the original Samford cattle station - and passed what could well have been one of the original wagons, falling to pieces in the open.

There were cheers as the lights came on in the John Scott Park picnic shelter. Many thanks to Shockjock for his emails and calls to Council, which finally got them working!

We celebrated Floater's birthday in the usual way. And we congratulated Escargot on the birth of her new grandson, Alexander. Mum and baby are evidently doing really well:

Finally, those who took part in the leaf art workshop Culture and Superhacker organised a month or two ago might be interested in these examples of Japanese leaf art which Strine came across. Anyone feel inspired?

Next run details

When: Sunday 8th November, 5 pm

Where: Banger and Make an Offer's hilltop hacienda in Dayboro

Hares: Make an Offer and Banger

(Please email us if you need directions to this run)

On, on!