Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Pottering along the Pine

There was at last a touch of autumn in the air as we headed off on an admirably well-marked circuit that crossed the Pine a couple of times, taking in some lush green riverside vegetation and some  surrounding lush green suburbs. Curry, lasagna, salad and paddle pops followed - yum! Many thanks to Budgie and Miss Behavin'....

We bestowed a Hash name on one of the young'uns too. Congratulations to Hot Stuff! He and his brother Dynamite enjoyed a really, really cold down, down and did it manfully.

And Haughty brought back (from Africa) a useful contact for any of us suffering from "Witches At Home" or a wide range of other problems:

Next run details
When: Sunday 8th March, 5 pm
Where: Teralba Park, near the Scout Hut. A map!
Hares: Floater and Scratchit

On, on!