Tuesday, September 25, 2018

(Thai) Green and (Fools') Gold

Master chef Leave Pass just gets better and better, and he outdid his previous efforts with the Thai Green Chicken Curry he served up in Upper Kedron on Sunday...a 5-star feast! He'd clearly spent a lot of time in the kitchen - and he'd spent a bit of dosh on trail flour too. He led us up up the creek to Bellbird Grove, where some poor blokes had spent years of their lives in digging holes for fools' gold. The runners - and some fast walkers - toured the remnants of these triumphs of hope over experience, plus another pleasant bushy circuit. Many thanks, Leave Pass, and congratulations on your culinary triumph! Thanks for the pink balloons, too, but you needn't have....

A number of hashers had come on - rather the worse for wear - from Redcliffe, where Topless had been celebrating her birthday with plenty of schnapps and other liquid refreshment. Happy birthday to you!

Meanwhile in Tokyo, Where's the Beef? and In Your Dreams showed off their fashion sense, wearing their purple Samford shirts at the Sumo Hash:

The sentimentally-inclined will be gathering this Friday evening at Miss Demeanour's for a showing of Mamma Mia (1). Bring bubbles, nibbles and handkerchiefs. (Totally coincidentally, Shockjock will be away for the weekend with his brewing club.)

Next Sunday we'll be gathering in Ascot. Bigtop has asked that we wear our best clothes (and have our hair and nails done) so that we don't lower the tone of the area.

Next run details
When: Sunday 30th September, 4 pm
Where: Oriel Park, Reeve Street, Ascot. A map!
Hares: Bigtop and Urass

On, on!