Monday, April 2, 2018

Easter Feast

Potluck once again did us incredibly proud, putting on a huge Easter there were not that many takers for the Easter eggs that made up part of the dessert offerings!

Prior to this M. Promptu had taken the runners up the hill above BP Park (where our indulgence in Easter lunch took its toll) and the walkers around the Samford circuit. We all know that "it's not a race"...but it should be recorded that someone not previously known as a FRB came in first among the walkers and celebrated the occasion with a down, down!

Easter was traditionally known as a time for baptisms, so it was entirely appropriate that a young couple who have been joining us for a while now received their new monikers on Sunday. Welcome, Tatty and Squelch! Our Hash jeweler had been at work, so we were able to award them their name laces as part of the traditional ceremony.

It was good to see the sun for the first time in a while...and also good that Payback and Cash Converta had brought along the Hash lanterns. MBRC has still not been able to get the lights in the John Scott picnic shelter to work. How hard can it be?

Finally...please remember that we move to a 4 pm start time from next Sunday, the 8th April!

Next run details
When: Sunday 8th April, 4 pm - repeat 4 pm, repeat 4 pm!
Where: Dayboro IGA - parking available in the child care centre across the road. A map!
Hares: Make an Offer and Banger

On, on!