Wednesday, September 13, 2017


B flat and Malpractice - who make up the Cambridge chapter of Samford Hash (and I refuse to say "Cambridge, England") - acted as joint hares on Sunday, and it was triffic to see them again. They looked as hale and hearty as ever, despite a back injury. They and Superhacker took us up the mountain (where else?) on a route I don't remember tackling before. Some of the summiteering walkers took this selfie before reaching for the oxygen bottles:

The runners completed a circuit which led them home by way of the Channel 9 studios. They were joined by FRB and Swedish hasher Epic:

Back home we tucked into two varieties (vegetarian and humanitarian) of tasty moussaka and salad. Many thanks, hares!

Hash Cash has now supplied all hash dogs with safety gear in the form of flashing collars. Escargot had left her canine at home, so had to do some flashing herself (and I'm sure Le W*nk would have come up with some other comment had he been there.)

The Samford Fun Run took place earlier in the day. While we didn't make it a Hash activity, some hashers did run the course, while a number of others lent a hand as volunteers:

Next run details
When: Sunday 17th September, 4 pm
Where: Ironbark Gully picnic area, Ferny Grove. A map!
Hares: M. Promptu or Flip O'Coin will set the route. Potluck will cater (please bring something to share.)

On, on!