Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Rainy Day Raven Street Run

Rainy day woman Bigtop and Rainman Urass took advantage of a brief period of rainlessness this last Sunday to set some very well marked trails through bush and burbs. It was quite easy to distinguish the runners' trail (set in self-raising flour) from the walkers' (set in plain) but both led up to the summit overlooking the reserve and provided some superb 350 degree views of the city and its northern surrounds.

For the first time in weeks (?months) Le W*nk was able to take his injuries out for a trot along the runners' route. This was good to see. Nipliquor ran really well again, and rumour has it that Shaggy kept breaking into a jog....He'll have to come out of the closet and join the runners one of these days.

Back at home base we tucked in to a candlelit 3 course dinner featuring smoked salmon starters, soup and curry. Thanks, hares!

Finally, there can't be many Hashes that discuss Shakespeare during the circle - but with so many of us appearing in the SPADEwerx production of As You Like It this is probably inevitable....

Next run details
When: Sunday 18th June, 4 pm
Where: Upper Kedron Park, Upper Kedron Road. A map!
Hares: Shaggy and Cadbury

On, on!