Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Clear Mountain switchbacks

We've explored the switchbacks of Clear Mountain a number of times in the past and it was good to get back there again. It's been hot - and it was hot once more on Sunday - so the shade of the trees, and the breezes we caught on the ridges, were both very welcome. Gastrick was able to make it for the first time this year, and B&W and Trudi Frudi have now completed their renovations and were able to join us as well. They helped push our numbers towards 30 - a goodly crowd considering the temperature....

We headed back to the hares' to replenish our precious bodily fluids and enjoy some traditional spag bog. Many thanks to Charcoal and Strine!

Unfortunately there's no relief from the heat wave in sight, and next Sunday will still be hot - but the long shadows and cool breezes you can expect as the sun sets scenically over Dayboro are not to be missed.....

Next run details
When: Sunday 12th February, 5 pm
Where: Laidlaw St. layby, Laidlaw St., Dayboro. A map!
Hares: Make an Offer and Banger

On, on!