Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Gone with the wind

Ubi sunt? Where is the old homestead now? We spent a bit of time at the site of Le W*nk's former mansion - all gone with the wind. Where were the palatial bedrooms? The sauna and jacuzzi? The Gold Class theatre room? The present-wrapping room? The 5-star chicken accommodation? All gone...and in a few years when the newly-planted trees grow up, no-one will realise that there was a house there at all. Makes you think, eh?

Congratulations to Redbreast, who completed her first full walk after her reconstruction. And congratulations to Shockjock too, on his first post-injury half-run for quite a while.

Despite what Le W*nk said at the start, there was plenty of flour. And, as usual, Payback provided plenty of tasty nosh to follow. Thanks to all.

It was good that Groundsheet and Little Squirt were able to join us again. This is getting to be a bit of a habit, guys - well done!

Next run details
When: Sunday 9th August, 4 pm
Where: Dugandan Road, Bunya - where the houses start (about 1.7 km from the turnoff, I think.) A map!
Hares: Redbreast and Jamesbondage

On, on!