Monday, August 11, 2014

House Mountain South Face

At 4 pm on Sunday the weather signals were all good for a House Mountain summit attempt and we began with a ticklish bit of climbing up a south-westerly arete with treacherous scree slopes on either side. This eventually brought us to the scarp leading up to the western col where we established Camp 1.

The walkers (including walking wounded Shockjock and Le W*nk) had an option to turn back from this point but instead elected to follow the runners up the ridge. They were rewarded with spectacular views over the valleys of Cedar Creek on one side and the South Pine on the other.

Le W*nk actually enjoyed the walk so much he did it a second time, arriving back in the dark with a misplaced dog lead.

Back in the stylish and luxurious comforts of Base Camp we shared some hearty fare and mountaineering tall tales. Many thanks to our hares Mile High and Hugandkiss!

It was good to welcome 3 visitors, none of whom seemed to be dismayed by the climb nor (more surprisingly) by us. Because the RA was so slack in fetching his camera, many of the group had dispersed by the time this shot featuring our Japanese guests was taken:

Next week's run will give us the opportunity to sample this year's 2 Hash mashes. The "Road Trip" American-style IPA should be just drinkable (Shockjock hopes) although it's still a bit young.

Next run details
When: Sunday 17th August, 4 pm
Where: Miss Demeanour and Shockjock's woodland home in Bunya
Hares: Shockjock and Miss Demeanour

(If you need directions to this run, please email us)

On, on!