Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Hornblower's First Time

Virgin hare Hornblower bravely opted to set a live run this last Sunday and led us on a merry chase out through the Royal Estates and along the South Pine river. He started off using lots of flour but the markings became scanter as supplies appeared to run low.... Everyone made it home in the end! Congratulations and thanks!

A down-down for the virgin hare:

Culture and Haughty cut a cake to celebrate 39 years of Wedded Bliss. Where was Eweshggr with his "only 20 years for murder" quip?

And we met Nunu - the latest 4-legged Hash hound to join the Samford Hash pack. When he's not hashing he graces Gastrick and Miss Fit's abode:

Next week's excursion is along the crest ot the House Mountain range. Hares Mile High and Hugandkiss advise those who use hiking poles to bring them. Pitons and crampons are optional.

Next run details
When: Sunday 10th August, 4 pm
Where: Hugandkiss and Mile High's mountaintop mansion
Hares: Mile High and Hugandkiss

(If you need directions to this run, please email us)

On, on!