Tuesday, March 25, 2014

On the wallaby track

Raven Street Reserve seems too small - and too heavily visited by dogs - to make a comfortable home for wallabies. But the runners did meet up with a wallaby who looked very much at home. Perhaps hashers are not the only form of wildlife to make use of the wildlife bridge across Hamilton Road....

For the second time in a fortnight our gallant hares Le W*nk and Amazing set a well-marked trail that wound along bushland tracks and suburban streets - and went up and down a bit as well. And once again they served up a gourmet feast, this time with an Aussie BBQ theme. Amazing was so exhausted following the double header she went straight home to pack her boogie board bag and catch a plane to Bali. Hope she doesn't forget the boogie board amongst everything else she packs in there. Thanks to them both!

And Superhacker has returned home after an encounter with an orthopedic surgeon. He told her that she'll be back running pretty soon - great news!

Next run details
When: Sunday 30th March, 5 pm
Where: Dr Valentine McDowall Park, Streisand Drive, McDowall. Meet near the playground.
Hares: Redbreast and Jamesbondage

On, on!