Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Horsing around

This last Sunday saw us celebrating the Year of the Wooden Horse by galloping around the northerly limits of our usual home range. It was a lovely day for an excursion through the  back blocks of Dayboro. Shame on those who took the final SCB option! And many thanks to our hares for a great run/walk and a great meal....

The crew enjoying Dayboro sundowndowners:

The Chinese astrologers don't have many cheerful predictions for the year ahead - earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, extreme temperatures, economic disasters and conflict are evidently all expected. Let's hope the 8 Samford hashers who set off on Monday to walk the Warrumbungles all make it back safely!

As promised, here are a few more shots from last weekend. Luckily the Year of the Wooden Horse had not yet started, or the sort of horseplay whose results you can see here could have ended rather badly....

Oz Day walkers:

Birthday boy:

Next week's run sees us heading back in towards the Bright Lights of the Big City. We'd better change our underwear in case we get knocked over crossing a busy road and are taken to hospital - remember what your mother said!

Next run details
When: Sunday 9th February, 5 pm
Where: Green Terrace play area, Downey Park, Windsor (near where the road bends towards Northey Street.) Clear as mud? Here's a map!
Hares: Miss Demeanour and Shockjock

On, on!