Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Enjoy your trip?

High winds while he was setting the run had Jamesbondage craning his neck as he looked up for widowmakers. But by Sunday afternoon the weather was cool and calm, and the bush around Bunya was still leafy and green on a trail that featured plenty of steep slopes.

The scenery was so good that Bigtop and Culture forgot to watch their feet...not a good idea in this sort of country! They both ended up enjoying the view from ground level. Luckily there were no bones broken.

Here's a checklist for all future hares to take note of!

We welcomed a new walker and her canine companion, who brought the doggy numbers for the walk to 4. Most were well behaved, but Heimie distinguished himself by some pretty insanitary behaviour....

A very enjoyable walk/run, and a great 3 course meal - thanks to the hares!

Next run details
When: Sunday 18th September, 4 pm
Where: B&W and Trudi Fruti's Jolly's Lookout hideaway (if you need directions, please email us)
Hares: B&W and Trudi Fruti

On, on!