Monday, May 9, 2011

Mum's the word

Great news! From this Mothers' Day on, the female members of Samford Hash have their own girl's-only Award to match the macho Tight Jocks one! It's a case of tit for tat - in the shape of some serious tat for tits! Here are the donors of the Award, Superhacker and Hopalong, demonstrating how the tassels work:

And here's the first-time winner of the annual award - "Big Mamma" Culture - enjoying a one-litre birthday down-down:

These awards are of course open to all - you can exhibit fatherly behaviour without being a biological father, and be motherly (even be a Mother Superior) without being a biological mother...but it's good to have a bit of gender equality in the Hash (and good to be able to make some pointed boob jokes too. Thanks for the mammaries....)

The hares had set an eye-opening run/walk through the abodes of some of Brisbane's wealthiest...the cream of them protected by a broad moat from plebs like us. It was a really interesting and enjoyable outing, followed up by some triffic nosh. Many thanks, hares!

Nipliquor had experimented earlier in the week with stopping a moving vehicle with his foot. It didn't work - and his foot doesn't work all that well at the moment either:

But he completed the walk anyway - well done!

In yet another naming ceremony we welcomed Huckleberry to the Hash!

The serious drinkers had got back early:

And we were a lively bunch at the on, on:

Next run details
When: Sunday 15th May, 4 pm
Where: Payback and Cash Converta's cashbox in Cashmere
Hares: Payback and Cash Converta

If you need directions to this run, please email us.

On, on!