On our run from the village this coming Sunday we'll take a look at their new place.
It was great to welcome Superhacker and Hopalong back from their sabbatical in the UK! It was also great to welcome another 6 or so newcomers to the run. The hares were universally congratulated on setting a run which was hilly but not as horribly steep as our previous one - and on providing a terrific meal for the crowd....
A few more shots now from Borneo - and from pre and post Interhash events.
A pre-Kuching walk through Brunei (no funny comments, please. The sultan doesn't like it):

An evening stroll in Kuching:

Sunset on the Kuching waterfront:

Dining at the Rajah Brookes cafe:

Post Interhash at Mulu - the entry to Deer Cave on a rather rainy day:

Post Interhash at Mulu - the canopy walk:

Post Interhash in KL - Batu Cave

Some significant signage/labeling in Kuching:

Next run details
When: Sunday 8th August, 4 pm
Where: John Scott Park, Samford Village
Hare: This will be a Toss O'Coin run, followed by a Pot luck meal - please bring something to share
On, on!