Sunday, October 4, 2009

South Pine saunter

Whizbanger, Hot to Trot, Slammer and Upfront combined to lay on a scenic run which took in the shady banks of the South Pine, the old Yugar rail tunnel, and some stiffish climbs. They followed this up with a stunning meal comprising no less than four courses and including organic beef burgers, sweet corn, stuffed eggs and ice cream! Congratulations and thanks to the hares.

Now back to the main event...

In two week's time we'll be shifting to a 5 pm start time. As if to give us some practice, Shockjock went off to change while we waited...and waited...and waited. What was it? A problem with his mascara? Or a pesky curl that he just couldn't get to sit right? He'd earned his down down and he took it like a man....

Plans are well advanced for the Girl's Own Card-Maxing weekend in Melbourne on the 13th - 15th November (there are 12 confirmed shopaholics signed up so far). And Haughty and Culture's new deck will be christened at the Hash Christmas party at the end of November.

Next week will be Superhack's birthday run. Be sure to come in your birthday suit....

Culture took this shot of a monks' hash in Kyoto last week:

Next run details
When: Sunday 11th October, 4pm (Note - the last of the 4 pm starts)
Where: Superhack and Hopalong's mountain chalet at Mt Nebo
Hares: Superhack and Hopalong

If you need directions to this run please call Payback on 3298 5194

On, on!