Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What a dump

As we stood in the upper car park at the Bunya Sports Club the wind howled, delightful smells wafted from the local dump and rubbish gently swirled around our feet. It wasn't a very auspicious start to last Sunday's run/walk, however it proved to be a delight, except for the hills. Hopefully Miss Demeanour will pick up the pace next week and finish in a respectable time.

Thanks to Miss Demeanour for whipping up a wonderful meal. Did everyone see Shock Jock's new cold room? It's going to be a great home for the guinea pigs.

Next run details

Where: Yugar
When: Sunday 4 October at 4pm
Hares: Whizbanger and Hot To Trot

For further details phone Payback on (07) 3298 5194.