Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Rocking on down the creek

About 200 metres along last Sunday's trail hashers had to negotiate a rocky causeway across the creek. As far as we know, there were no mishaps, and only the canines got their feet wet....Beyond lay a pleasant Sunday afternoon stroll, much of it between the Cedar Creek platypus pools and some pricey equestrian infrastructure. The most venturesome among the walkers did a full 5 km out and back, while the runners (and 3 canines) completed a loop back by another route.

Once everyone was home and accounted for we headed up the road to the hares' place to wet our whistles and stuff our faces and warm ourselves before a wood fire.

Here are some of Saucy Sous', Make an Offer's, and Cash Converta's pics from the occasion:

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 11th August, 4 pm

Where: Dayboro, in the childcare centre car park, opposite the IGA. A map!  Late change, due to illness - now at Undambi Rotary Reserve, Mt. O'Reilly Road, Samford Valley.

Hares: Banger and Make an Offer  Late change, due to illness - now M. Promptu and Potluck - please bring something to share

On, on!