A real Hashfest this last week, folks, and lots of large arrows! Sunday saw us out in Dayboro, where Banger had responded to our failing eyesight by setting a trail with the biggest chalk markings we've seen for a long time...and where the walkers responded to his warnings about boggy areas at the start by walking straight through them! From here followed a bucolic and scenic circuit around Fingerboard Road and the Showgrounds, with the runners adding a loop or two and surveying the course for the Dayboro International Beer Mile on the way. Banger has been in training, and will be a serious contender for this event in 2024....
Our hares on Sunday have a well-deserved reputation for laying on great meals, and the red Thai curry we enjoyed at their hilltop hideaway was delicious. There was also what the glossy mags would call a decadent dessert, plus the usual opportunities for the photographers to try to capture the Dayboro sunset skies. Many, many thanks to Banger and Make an Offer!
We welcomed a visitor all the way from China!
Here are some shots from Sunday, courtesy of Snappy.
Gathering in the centre of the bustling metropolis, between the top-secret FBI headquarters and the International Museum of Antiquities:
Sunset feast:
As always, Mile High and Hugandkiss were absolute stars in the fashion stakes:
Manspreading - Size Matters:
Drink stop:
Next run/walk details
When: Sunday 10th December, 5 pm.
Where: Idle Vice and Upstanding's Wilston humpy
Hares: Upstanding and Idle Vice
PLEASE BRING CHAIRS. And if you need directions to this run, please email us.
On, on!