Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Hills and more hills

The hills were alive with the sound of panting last Sunday. James Bondage had set a trail around the Draper bushland which included lots of inclines.

The runners had a quiet run, mainly because Le W*nk decided to go with the walkers. There was a report that Idlevice collected drink bottles along the trail with a view to cashing them in. No, she hasn't fallen on hard times. The money will go towards saving the endangered Tree Kangaroos.

After the hashers had recovered from their ordeal Redbreast presented three delicious soups accompanied by homemade bread. What a feast!

Here a few of Snappy's snaps.

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 13th August, 4 pm

Where: Corner Clear Mountain Road and Buranda Road, Clear Mountain.

Hares: Strine and Charcoal

We suggest you bring chairs.

On, on!