Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Big birthday feast

The following account is based on Payback's run report - please direct all opprobrium accordingly....

The Samford skies were threatening at Samford Skies for Dumbell's birthday run, but the rain held off, which made for a pleasant run and walk. In fact there was even a bit of sunlight for the hashers gathering at the hares' place:

Dumbbell had set a very well-marked trail, but admitted that he had used his car in the process! (What!?) In the end he missed out on a down, down since the group decided that his milestone birthday was punishment enough.

Here are some selected shots from the walk:

The runners were struggling with some of the hills, and agreed that they would need to put in some serious training before tackling the Ballbreaker run in Queenstown next March. As Lax has helpfully pointed out, we are all 5 years older than we were for the Ballbreaker in Fiji....

As usual, Saucy Sous laid on a 5-star restaurant quality meal including 3 delicious courses. Chef and assistant:

A selection of shots showing hashers wagging their chins and stuffing their faces:

Birthday boy:

Many, many thanks to our hares for a great trail and wonderful meal! (And thanks to Dumbbell and Snappy for a huge trove of pictures to select from!)

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 11th June, 4 pm.

Where: Wahminda Park, Ferny Grove - near the tennis courts. A map!

Hares: Shockjock and Miss Demeanour

On, on!