Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Be your scary self at 5 pm

It's that time of year once more when you're invited to take off the mask you usually wear and come as your scary real self - and to arrive at 5 pm! Look back over the blog archives and you'll see what our members really look like - as revealed on previous Halloween runs and walks. Let's see who you really are...at 5 pm this coming Sunday!

Here is a run (and walk) report for this last Sunday's meet compiled from details provided by Payback - blame him for any inaccuracies, folks!

Surprisingly (after a day and night of downpour) the rain held off last Sunday afternoon. It seems however that some (nameless) hashers had been sufficiently spooked by the wet to decide that a guard was necessary to keep the drinks and nibbles dry, and that they should form such a guard. Consuming the drinks and nibbles was one way to prevent them getting rained on as well....

Both runners and walkers spent some time standing around helplessly after they lost the trail. It was supposed to go up an easement that many dismissed as mythical - but after much discussion and phone consultation the route was finally found. 

Shock Jock is suffering mortgage stress, and clearly harvesting road kill is one way of saving on groceries. He showed a morbid interest in the dead things along the route. One was a fox, which he introduced to Pablo (as a way of saving on pet food) but Pablo had better taste and turned his nose up at it....

Back home at the hares' place Saucy Sous produced four courses of gastronomic delights - much better than road kill! She is now a proud grandmother to Roman, and known affectionately in the French way as 'Meme' (accents on each e). Dumbell was asked what he will be know as, and he replied that he didn't mind as long as he wasn't called late for dinner. Given the quality of Saucy Sous' dinners, that is hardly surprising. Many thanks to our hares!

There were heaps of photos taken this Sunday - here's a selection:

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 30th October at 5 pm (Halloween Run)

Where: Ferny Grove Sports Club, corner Tramway Street and Samford Road, Ferny Grove. A map!

Hares: Floater and Scratchit. To celebrate Floater's birthday and Halloween, a Malaysian feast will be prepared by the Little Nyonya Kitchen!

On, on!