Monday, March 14, 2022

Dry shoes - wet whistles

Hare Haughty attempted to set a trail that would leave everyone dry-shod - not very authentically hashy, nor very easy to do at the moment. But he figured we've all had enough of mud for the moment....In the end, with the aid of some stepping stones, he was largely successful in his aim. This week also saw the welcome return of the hash keg in the form of our beer and wine eskys, and we made full use of them (thanks again to our Beermeisters and Winos!).

The trail took us around the classy Royal Estates, finishing up on a classy deck at the Samford Rangers Association Football Club. Here are a couple of sunset shots, courtesy of Cash Converta:

And the group at the end (thanks to Make an Offer for the photography):

News is that B&W has completed his ultra-marathonic cycling effort, with a time for the Peaks Challenge of well under 10 hours! Congratulations! See last week's post for information about the cause he and his companions have been riding for. And here, once again, is the link through which you can donate towards MND research and support.

We also viewed samples of the sort of engraved waterbottles that Dumbbell can produce. Look to your emails to confirm or update your order.

As the Omicron wave seems to be ending, we held further discussions in the circle about catering arrangements for the future. We resolved that from next week we'll start to share Pot Luck offerings rather than just Bringing Our Own food. There's something about sharing a meal that we've been missing over the last several weeks....

Next run/walk details

When: Sunday 20th March, 5 pm

Where: Arlington Park, Bunya Road, Arana Hills. A map!

Hares: Jamesbondage and Redbreast will set the trail. Potluck will cater (please bring something to share)

On, on!