Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Home run

We've had a great time recently exploring trails in far-flung places - but it was also good to make this last Sunday's run a bit of a Homecoming event in the valley. Thirty of us turned up at Undambi Reserve to set off on a shady circuit along the South Pine...which we found still held the odd pool of water in its drought-affected bed.

Those coming home included Hugandkiss and Mile High, who'd arrived back from their Iceland/Ireland trip just 2 hours before. Now that's keen! And they arrived bearing gifts from both places too - many thanks!

Sartorial snap:

It was high time for us to confer a Hash name on someone who has been coming along for a while now...and to subject her to our usual quaint ceremonial quirks. We had a range of names to choose from - since she's a nurse, and a truck driver, and also a pilot. It was the latter that came to the fore - so welcome, Flaps Down! and many happy hash (not crash, get it?) landings!  Incidentally, The Urban Dictionary also offers the following definition: "Flaps down: Down time or relaxing. Person 1: My life is stressful. Person 2: Well maybe you should just kick back, relax, and let your flaps down!" Not a bad hash motto, come to think of it....

Shaggy and Satchmo made it to the run, having taken Cadbury to the hospital to prepare for her major surgery on the Monday morning. It's great to hear that the procedure went well and that she's loving the on-demand opioids! (Could get to be a habit...) We're looking forward to seeing her as a new woman out on trail in the nearish future. So get well soon, Cadbury!

Next run details
When: Sunday 17th November, 5 pm
Where: H.T. Ireland Reserve, Saraband Drive, Eatons Hill. A map!
Hares: Payback and Cash Converta

On, on!