Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Posts, gates, bars

There didn't seem to be many there at Shockjock's chalk talk, but numbers swelled as time went on. Is it possible that some people only turned up to join the throng at the bar?

And is it possible - as rumour had it - that there were a number of SCBs on the walk? It seemed hardly likely on such a typically flat Bunya route. But we were relieved to see a couple (who had done the whole walk) turning up as darkness fell. They'd come across a locked gate in the gathering gloom, which disconcerted them. To their joy they found they were only 50 metres or so from home!

Arrrgh! Poison!

Young ones enjoyed their meal in the calm and sophisticated surroundings of the formal dining room:

Leave Pass was welcomed back from the Old Country, and newly-named Idle Vice and Upstanding received their name laces from the Hash jeweller.

Many thanks to our hares for a scenic excursion and a gourmet feast!

Next weekend a number of us are riding the Fernvale to Esk section of the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail. Culture and Cash Converta are acting as support crew, joining us at Esk with our jumpers, PJs and teddy bears.

And mention of jumpers reminds me - has anyone seen Le W*nk's running jumper? Off or on another runner? He left it on a post for half an hour this last week in the salubrious area of Collins Road...nuff said. We did find a slightly soiled substitute on the run and left it on a gate for him. Seems he didn't fancy it.

Next run details
When: Sunday 16th June, 4 pm
Where: John Scott Park, Samford Village
Hares: M. Promptu will set the run; Potluck will cater (please bring something share)

On, on!