Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Mother Superior 2019

There was a good crowd this Sunday, especially for a Mothers' Day run. Shaggy and Cadbury did us proud, with a typically flat Ironbark Gully trail, and then a couple of large pots of chili, heated on a genuine wood fire! Good on them - and many thanks!

One notable absentee was our 2019 Mother Superior - Lax. Never mind - we presented the formidable award by proxy, and her representative made a bit of a fist at modeling. We do look forward to seeing her sporting the garments in person in the future, however.

Two traditions govern the handing on of the award:
1. It's never to be washed (this is probably a pragmatic provision - it would fall apart)
2. Each recipient must add something to the decorations....

Last year's artistic winner - Floater - showed off her arty addition (which reminded me - we're supposed to be planning a studio visit!):

And Le W*nk, the proxy recipient (don't forget the "r" in "proxy") showed off his inner blonde:

Down, downs for the proxy and for birthday boy Scratchit:

Scratchit recalled his induction into Gladstone Hash, in which he had to down, down a yard of ale. They must be well-off in Gladstone - we couldn't afford that!

And Jamesbondage, our Hash jeweler, has been busy. Boxer and Saucy were awarded their Samford Hash name necklaces. Note the Statue of Liberty in the background:

Next run details
When: Sunday 19th May, 4 pm
Where: Chez Eweshggr in Bracken Ridge. If you need directions to this run, please email us at samfordhash@gmail.com
Hare: Eweshggr and assistants