Monday, October 15, 2018

Aquarius drizzles?

Who or what is the "It" we refer to when we say "It's raining" or "It's drizzling"? Is it a long-forgotten weather-producing sky-god - Aquarius, say? Or is "It" just a syntactical pacifier stuck in the clamouring mouth of a verb demanding a subject? Whoever or whatever "It" is, we were grateful to It for not tipping Its watering can over us this Sunday at the end of a seriously wet week. Thanks, Aquarius!

We were also grateful to our hares for accommodating us in a warm and dry place when It did start to rain again. A generous serving of - Chicken Marengo, was it? - was followed by some rhubarb crumble that rivaled Le W*nk's last week. Many thanks, hares!

Payback couldn't keep his hands off Shaggy's organ:

He reminded me of the old story which I'm sure must appear in many self-help books. Paddy is asked if he can play the piano. He replies, "I don't know - I never tried." You could apply this to anything, couldn't you? "Can you run a marathon?" "I don't know - I never tried." "Can you paint a masterpiece?" "I don't know - I never tried." I suppose it's good that we have so many trying people in Samford Hash....

Upcoming events include:

  • Shockjock's birthday pub crawl on 10th November
  • The Red Dress Run on 26th November
  • Le W*nk having a shower at some stage (really looking forward to this one)

Next run details
When: Sunday 21st October, 4 pm
Where: Rocks Riverside Park, 5 Counihan Rd,, Seventeen Mile Rocks. A map! (Park where you can and wander along the main drag to find us)
Hares: Superhacker, Hopalong, Malpractice and B Flat

On, on!