Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Cool change

It was 38 degrees when we arrived at the venue on Sunday but - almost miraculously - conditions changed radically during the run/walk as a cool change moved in.

Bigly stable genius Le W*nk and his helpmate Lax had set us a very scenic route around the water's edge...but apart from a few chalk arrows at about 1.8 km in (and one pile of flour at about 3.5 km) all trail markings had been washed out by a storm on Saturday evening. Never mind - Le W*nk was still able to lead the runners on a heartbreaking false trail that provided plenty of hill training. And Mile High presented him with a special Camino arrow pin to remind him what arrows look like....Many thanks, hares! Great salad!

It was good to welcome Kiwi/Lancashire visitor Heavy Metal. He hopes to be back in the next couple of months if his work brings him to Brisbane again. We'll meet up with him and other members of the Bay of Islands Hash when we travel to Fiji in May.

The meal was served on a dodgy bit of cabinetry - gosh, why isn't there a real furniture maker around when you need one?

Payback's birthday was celebrated in a traditional style and with some birthday bubbles:

And the Hash first aid kit was called into requisition for the first time ever when Strine suffered a mishap on the trail. Ouch! We're glad to hear that she's been checked out by her doctor and she's doing well. It all provided some good practice for first aiders Jamesbondage and Redbreast.

Next run details
When: Sunday 21st January, 5 pm
Where: Corner Buranda and Clear Mountain Roads, Clear Mountain. A map!
Hares: Strine and Charcoal

On, on!