Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Q. What did Adam say

on the first 24th December? A. "It's Christmas, Eve."

It's that time of year again! You'll find some previous selections of excruciating cracks out of crackers (or bon mots out of bon-bons) here, here and here. And now a few more for 2017:

Q. Why did no-one bid for Rudolph and Blitzen on eBay?
A. Because they were two deer.

Q. What goes "Oh, Oh, Oh"?
A. Santa walking backwards.

Q. What do you call an old snowman?
A. Water.

Q. What's round and bad tempered?
A. A vicious circle.

Q. What kind of motorbike does Santa ride?
A. A Holly Davidson.

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Arthur who?
Arthur any mince pies left?

Q. What did Cinderella say when her photos didn’t arrive on time?
A. "One day my prints will come."

Q. What do snowmen use to make snowbabies?
A. Snowballs.

Our Christmas Eve run attracted far more hashers than expected on a really hot afternoon. We treated suggestions that we just walk across the road to the pub with the lack of respect they deserved and encouraged one another around a gentle couple of circuits before replenishing our precious bodily fluids at the park. And then - after this drink stop - we took on the hazardous journey across Main Street to the pub for pizzas and more refreshment.

For those who can make it next week we're offering a Cedar Creek stroll and a dip in the waterhole. So please bring togs if you don't want to skinnydip. You're then invited - if you can and would like to - to stay on and celebrate the New Year....

Next run details
When: Sunday 31st December, 5 pm (and please feel welcome to either stay till midnight and beyond or to go on to other celebrations)
Where: Andy Williams Park, Cedar Creek Road, Cedar Creek. A map!
Hares: Culture and Haughty

On, on!