Wednesday, November 16, 2016

You'd think it would be warm enough already....

Given the weather recently (and 2016 is shaping up to be the hottest year on record) a house cooling might have been more appropriate than a house warming. But we're a traditional lot, so a warming it was for new mortgage-slave Le W*nk!

A traditional downpour had cleaned up the trail markings, so it was a case of pick-a-path along Kedron Brook for both runners and walkers. Back at the new old house Le W*nk explained his renovation plans while an almost-super moon rose over the verandah.

Lasagna and house-warming cake followed. Thanks to our mortgaged hare!

It was good to welcome back Charcoal, Strine and Eweshggr from their epic 3 month, 15000 km roadtrip.

You'll find a large selection of their photos here. Just a few now from their trip home...

Whyalla - not wiped out:

Sunset camp:

Where could this be?

It was good to catch up with B & W and Fruti this week. Let's hope we see a bit more of them now that they have joined Le W*nk as residents of Mitchelton....

And our best wishes to Shaggy and Cadbury. Get well soon!

Next run details
When: Sunday 20th November, 5 pm
Where: Currawong Road, near the Gibbons Road intersection. A map! (Afterwards at John Scott Park)
Hares: Culture and Haughty

On, on!