Given the fact that many found it hard to make it on time (and that there's a dress rehearsal next week) we made a snap decision to move to a 5pm start time from next week, rather than waiting till the end of the month. So please take note - our next run will be at 5 pm, not 4. Summer has begun!
Some upcoming dates for your diaries:
October 29th and November 5th - 2016 Samford pantomime, featuring a number of hashers
October 30th - 2016 Halloween Run (Hare: Escargot)
December 2nd - Hash Christmas Party (Venue: Mile High and Hugandkiss')
December 12th - Red Dress Run
Our WA travelers have been exploring some Big Trees in the Pemberton - Walpole area as well as making their way to the top of Mt Frankland. Here are some of their pictures. You'll find more here.
The Gloucester Tree:
The Dave Evans Bicentennial Tree
Diamond Tree
Goblin Swamp:
Beedulup Falls
Tree top walk
Great Tingle tree:
Mt. Frankland:
When: Sunday 23rd October, 5 pm. Note again - 5 pm!
Where: Jamesbondage and Redbreast's Bunya hideaway
Hares: Redbreast and Jamesbondage
On, on!