Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Bushed in Bunya

He'd been well out in front of the other walkers for most of the trail, so what had happened to Shaggy? The gathered crowd was baffled - but by the time the search party set off he'd pretty well found his own way home. (He had inadvertently added a long diversion along the runners' outward route to his afternoon stroll.) It was good to see him and to stop worrying about what we were going to tell Cadbury.

This was our first 4 pm run for 2016, but the temperatures were far from autumnal. They didn't seem to affect visitor Tinkerbell who embarrassed the rest of the runners by taking on the role of front runner pretty well all the way around the loop:

Our hares, as usual, laid on a crowd-pleasing and rib-sticking meal. They followed this up with a real treat on a hot afternoon: ice blocks!

Thanks again to Jamesbondage and Redbreast!

Our 2 Camino walkers - Floater and Legover - are now in Paris en route to the Spanish boarder (sorry, border.) We'll keep track of their progress as best we can.

Next run details
When: Sunday 10th April, 4 pm
Where: Eweshgger's Bracken Ridge bungalow
Hare: Eweshgger

(If you need directions to this run, please email us at samfordhash@gmail.com

On, on!