Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A hot date with Brook 2

It's been a really hot year...and this last Sunday was the hottest so far. It was just the sort of weather to let the dogs - and any hashers who fancied it - enjoy a dip in Kedron Brook. And after their heroic efforts in scaling a mountain last week, the walkers were very happy to take on a flattish creekside excursion under Amazing's guidance.

Along the way some of the lucky ones encountered a specimen of the local wildlife in the form of an enormous serpent. Superhacker and Bigtop bravely fought it off while Jamesbondage and Eweshgger cowered on the side of the path.

Meanwhile Le W*nk led the runners up and down a number of local hills (of the Everton and Arana varieties) before they too shortcutted home along the brookside.

Potluck, as usual, provided a varied and generous feast.

Our Silver Jubilee is coming up in 2 week's time...and in our series of reprints recalling the earliest days of Samford Hash, here are some extracts from run report number 9 (March 1991.) This was Samford Hash's first "live hare" event and started from the Ferny Grove Tavern. It appears to have attracted 4 "twalkers" and 8 runners. The numbers were building.
Stud ran off shouting "Wait until five past" and disappeared into the darkness towards Samford. At the appointed time...Jogger, Myopic, Roddy and Superbrat charged along the Samford Road after the trail and didn't get lost until the Woolshed where, due to the absence of lighting, we turned into England Road; after a brief pause for directing twalkers we plummeted into the depths of Ferny Hills and with real estate prices crashing around our heels we screamed our way along darkened streets. 
After a few twists and turns we emerged onto Patricks Road and the pack assembled beneath a street lamp only to hear cries of "Are you on?" from behind us. Peering into the gloom we spotted Milton and Legs (Ye Gods, we must be late!)  Emboldened by our new found [pack] size we ran back into the maze and within five minutes were totally lost. Milton and Myopic were nowhere to be seen....Meanwhile I directed the remaining pack along a likely looking road and promptly ran in the opposite direction. I found myself following flour down a dark street where everything was peaceful. Naturally I screamed "On On!". Curtains began to move and natives appeared on balconies and started to point and whisper. For a moment there was doubt: should I be disturbing this primitive people at their hour of slumber?...."On On!" I yelled "On Down!" I bellowed, "On Up!" I roared, "On Off!" I was in the middle of this last chant when I ran into Jogger, Legs and Roddy running the same trail in the opposite direction. I explained Rule 1 and told them they were running the wrong way. We all trudged together up a hill...and finally back down onto Ferny Way.... 
We all sprinted across to the Tavern to find Stud who asked "Did you see the walkers' sign?" "What sign? Where are they?" This could be serious - after all Rattletrap had the keys to the car with the Hash P*ss in it. But no furries, over the horizon appeared R.B. followed by Rattletrap,,,with Keg Guard and True Blue bringing up the rear.  "Oh you found the sign," said Stud. "What sign?" they chorused....
The quote of the night fell to Jogger Jacques who proclaimed loudly, "I've made Paul a wonderful tart!". Nice one, Jogger.
Back in 2016 - we're off to St Lucia this coming Sunday, and we may be going along the water again. Those who missed out on the snake may be luckier this time....

Next run details
When: Sunday 7th February, 5 pm
Where: Robertson Park, Indooroopilly. A map!
Hares: Superhacker, assisted by LFC

Please bring chairs!

On, on!