Tuesday, September 22, 2015

While the cat's away

...the mice can play. And the Samford Hash mice knew how to make themselves at home while Shockjock, Miss Demeanour and Co. were away.

The coldroom was obviously particularly attractive to these vermin:

Hope there's enough beer left for Superhacker's birthday party next month!

And what were these fellas doing in the pool?

Once again, it was a brilliant afternoon for a walk/run in the bush, though the trails don't get any flatter as time goes on. The runners looped over into the upper reaches of Ferny Hills, while the walkers are not quite sure where they went.... Potluck shone as usual as a chef, and the varied and plentiful grub vanished at an astonishing rate. It was all triffic, but Make an Offer's apple pie does deserve special mention! Thanks to all.

A man who got his car bogged, and a man with new shoes:

A feeding frenzy - making ourselves at home:

Upcoming events over the next few weeks include Charcoal and Strine's Oktoberfest run. Get out your lederhosen and dirndls! Here's a bit of Kultur to get you in the mood:

Next run details
When: Sunday 27th September, 4 pm
Where: Payback and Kash Konverta's Kashmere Kasbah
Hares: Cash Converta and Payback

On, on!