Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Happy birthday, Ma'am!

We're all royalists when it comes to having a public holiday - and we sang happy birthday to the Queen to thank her for providing one.

Our hares took us exploring some new routes through the Samford section of Brisbane Forest Park - some of them jolly steep, too! A couple of walkers who had wandered off-trail luckily met up with the runners...we might still be looking for them otherwise.... It was a really enjoyable excursion, followed up by some really enjoyable chili. Thanks, hares!

The occasion was also marked by a naming ceremony for one of our latest recruits - hereafter to be known as Footsie:

Our youngest walker shows off her skill in staying upright:

But it's hard to stay upright on a trampoline:

Culture demonstrates that the skill of hula hooping doesn't evaporate with time:

This last week Hash Femmes Culture, Amazing, Vegemite and Superhacker enjoyed an excursion to the Powerhouse for a show by Judith Lucy:

And now for a summary of Charcoal and Strine's latest.

From Vienna they wandered to Bavaria and caught up with some old friends in Chieming, some more old friends and colleagues in Pfarrkirchen (where they had lived and worked for a couple of years in the old days), some more old friends in Deggendorf, and an ex-student and friend in Landshut (where the Isar was in flood.) Their route then took them along the Danube and Main Rivers to visit another old friend and colleague in Wiesbaden. A highlight of this visit was a trip to Schloss Wolfsgarten and its gardens. They also did a long walk up to the new Waldkapelle, "a really modern style chapel on the edge of the forest" and then down through Gammsbach back to Wiesbaden. Next stop was Brombachtal, where they again met up with an old teacher friend, who took them to visit the magnificent 9th century Einhard's Basilica near Michelstadt.

Here are some pictures (including some from a visit to Saltzburg.) We're looking forward to seeing a lot more when they get back.

Charcoal and Strine in  one of the best-known Salzburg coffeehouses, Tomasellis

Strine in the Mirabell Gardens (in Saltzburg - many scenes from the Sound of Music were shot here) - the old town and the castle in the background

Charcoal and Strine turning their backs on the old town of Salzburg. They were at the castle you can see in the last picture (having climbed the hill by rack and pinion railway)

On a cycle trip to Bad Birnbach, about 16km from Pfarrkirchen, where Charcoal and Strine were staying. Bad Birnbach is one of many "Kur" villages in Germany.  The Germans go there to recover their health by bathing (etc.) in the spa waters - and it's all paid for by their Health Insurance!

Strine and friends at one of the "healthy fountains" in Bad Birnbach

Post-cycling coffee and cake

Next run details
When: Sunday 14th June, 4 pm
Where: University of Queensland Tennis Club, Blair Drive, St Lucia. A map!
Hares: Superhacker and Hopalong

On, on!