Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Despite the oppressive heat, 23 hashers turned up last Sunday. Mile High and Hugandkiss marked a trail along the South Pine River, which made things a lot cooler. Along the route, Shock Jock detoured to the soon to be opened micro brewery. With his nose pressed up against the front window, he spent some time drooling over all the stainless steel equipment.

Amazing and Le W*nk were off to Cambodia that evening. It's going to be very quiet with Le W*nk missing for the next few weeks.

As Payback forgot to take his camera on Sunday, here is a picture from the archives (Christmas in July 2013):

Next run details
When:  Sunday 25th January, 5 pm
Where: HT Ireland Reserve, Eatons Hill
Hares:  Payback and Cashconverta

On, on