Monday, December 15, 2014

Mud and wine tour

This Sunday's run started near that interesting geological phenomenon, the Aspley mud springs - and both runners and walkers passed the site. The runners then took a winding route through the wine-buffs' suburb that adjoins it, running along and passing streets named after champagne, shiraz, riesling, sherry, cabernet, tokay and so on. (It was a good place to work up a thirst.) Exploring new areas is always fun, and some of the 1970s architecture was (shall we say) very interesting....A pleasant stroll along Cabbage Tree Creek completed the circuit.

A number of visitors joined us for the run and the walk, and Payback was back again, pounding the trail in his inimitable way. Many thanks to our hares!

Here's a little compilation from our boating weekend:

And here's a song from that rare creature, the Finnish Blue parrot. (Leave Pass joined in a bit too):

Next run details
When: Sunday 21st December, 5 pm
Where: Gastrick and Miss Fit's Bardon mansion
Hares: Gastrick and Miss Fit

(If you need directions to this run, please email us.)

On, on!