Monday, June 23, 2014

Midwinter meander 2014

No-one could complain about a lack of hills on this Sunday's trail; it also included many leafy and peaceful (except for cries of "On, on!") creekside sections. The hares' timing was spot-on for this winter solstice run: they brought runners and walkers in to land simultaneously, and nobody was left in the dark. Well done!

The satay and the vanilla slice that followed went down a treat. Was this the best meal of 2014? Game on....

We welcomed Mile High and Hugandkiss back from their exotic excursion to Turkey, and enjoyed some exotic travelers' tales. Here are some hashers fending off the camera's evil eye with the talismans (or should that be talismen?) the exotic couple brought back:

Next run details
When: Sunday 29th June, 4 pm
Where: The Gap police station (might as well hand ourselves in), Waterworks Road, The Gap. A map!
Hares: Superhacker and Hoppy

On, on!