Monday, April 7, 2014

Last of the summer runs

It was lucky that we didn't start out at 4 this last Sunday - if we had, we'd have been drenched, if not electrocuted. The storm had washed out the trail markings, but our hare's verbal instructions worked well, taking 25 or so of us on a varied and enjoyable route across some very green fields and up some reasonable hills. Thanks to Leave Pass...and congratulations also on his Rogan Josh! As he said, Rogans are a bit hard to come by at this time of year (...and Dads are allowed to make Dad jokes....)

Over the last few weeks, a young man who used to run with us years ago has returned. He's a musician and a prospective marine biologist, and well overdue for a Hash name - so it was great to honour Hornblower in a traditional naming ceremony:

This weekend also saw 8 blokes heading down the coast for a highly educational field trip to Burleigh Brewery. It was fun too - thanks to Where's the Beef? for organising it!

(Haughty was there too, but he'd fallen asleep under a table)

And don't forget - this coming Sunday we move to a 4 pm start time! 4 pm!

Next run details
When: Sunday 13th April, 4 pm - repeat - 4 pm!
Where: Miss Demeanour and Shockjock's cabin in the woods
Hares: Shockjock and Miss Demeanour and Co.

(If you need directions to this run, please email us.)

On, on!