Monday, June 24, 2013

Bag ladies

A couple of the walkers found some bags and began collecting litter - a pretty hopeless task, however, along the old railway track and through the former quarry. These neglected northern fringes of the village provide local youths with an opportunity to evade scrutiny and exercise their grungy they've done their best to rival their spray-can-wielding city cousins. Poor bats! - the fumes in the old railway tunnel must have been intolerable.

As usual, Potluck did an excellent job of catering, providing a varied and tasty spread - from sushi and BBQ chicken wings to apple and berry crumble. And of course there were a couple of varieties of quiche for the Unreal men amongst us.

We welcomed Escargot back from the UK. She had to call in an exorcist when she got home - the power had been off for much of the time and the contents of the freezer had taken over the house.

We also welcomed Corkscrewed - a visitor from Adelaide:

And two of our newer members received their Hash names - Loan Ranger and Piston Broke. They're owner-building a house in Samford, and have clearly got the priorities right: so far, the pool is finished, but they haven't yet got the roof on....

Coming up over the next few weeks:
  • a Tanabata (Star festival) run on 7th July
  • a Bastille Day run on 14th July
  • a Christmas in July event on Saturday 27th July
Next run details
When: Sunday 30th June, 4 pm
Hares: Payback and Cash Converta

On, on!