Monday, May 21, 2012

"Kiss me, Hardy"

Leave Pass's sketch at the on, on reminded us of how WHS, EEO, PC and AU (Acronym Usage) have changed the world since Nelson's time. But does Samford Hash need reminding? We always have Eweshggr in our midst as a living relic of the days when men were men and wore the trousers....

I'm not sure about Le W*nk, though. On the one hand, he was swapping recipes with the girls; but on the other, these were recipes for oysters.  And we all know what oysters are good for - Casanova, they say, used to eat 5 or 6 dozen a day!

This week's hares, Jamesbondage and Redbreast, took us on a very enjoyable magical mystery tour of some new territory around Albany Creek.  Their route included bikeways, rights of way, and a very dodgy bit of boardwalk. They then laid on a scrumptious casserole - and fruit cake! Many thanks!

In two week's time Shockjock and Miss Demeanour will be hosting the great Samford Hash Table Tennis Tournament. This will be a wonderful opportunity for them to humiliate the rest of us (again). Don't miss it!

Next run details
When: Sunday 27th May, 4 pm
Where: Undambi Rotary Reserve - corner Mt O'Reilly Road and Greggs Road.
Hares: Culture and Haughty

On, on!