Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Household hashing

Our second weekend of suspension saw Samford hashers out and about and scattered over the landscape.

In Rehab at the Mater, Superhacker and Malpractice sported Samford Hash shirts and smiles. Because of Covid-19 restrictions she gets only one visit by one visitor per day, and B-Flat and Malpractice are taking it in turns to be that visitor. Get well soon!

Rather further away were Mile High and Hugandkiss, hashing by the sea in NSW. Presumably (now that the border is closed) their only route back into Queensland is along the beach?

The household made up of Charcoal, Strine, B&W, Trudi Fruti and Co. tramped their home forest at Clear Mountain. They avoided the crowds who had gathered at our normal starting point at 5 pm on Sunday, and set out from Dodson Road instead.

Here's the household of Payback, Cash Converta and Fizza enjoying the mangroves and mosquitoes at Deep Water Bend:

Tarzan and a passing wild animal:

Budgie and Miss Behavin' tackled a Mt Coot-tha ascent:

"I have to go - where!?"

And Le W*nk, Lax and Prattle took an easy route (note the sign) around Enoggera Reservoir, jumping for joy and embracing when they reached the top of a massive hill.

Meanwhile in Samford, there was a (permitted) gathering of two people - keeping their distance:

And a solitary walker around the Royal Estates:

Le W*nk reminds us that it's time to move to a 4 pm start - so to synchronise our activities in these rather odd circumstances let's say that from next Sunday, 12th April - Easter Sunday - our official start time will be 4 pm. After Easter we'll experiment with some virtual circles from, say, 5:15.

Finally - Superhacker suggested that we might enjoy this item of bush poetry. It brings back memories of a long-ago run at Payback and Cash Converta's, at which a white plastic chair split in half, depositing Haughty onto the ground...to the delight of the crowd....

Please keep those run reports and pictures coming!

Stay safe, and

On, on!