Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Covid-eo conferencing

Who'd have thought that our first virtual on, on would turn into a toilet paper hoarding competition? OK - so let's keep it going next time: who's got the most hand sanitizer, rice, flour...?

Overall, we counted some 27 of us who were able to overcome the technical and bandwidth issues to be seen and/or heard this last Sunday. It's not like meeting face-to-face...but then, face-to-face we would not have been able to hear from the horse's mouth about Superhacker's experiences during a month in hospital. Didn't she look and sound well? And here's a shot of the flowers we sent her (thanks to Miss Demeanour for organising these):

It was also good to see Malpractice and B-Flat, who are apparently going to be under virtual house-arrest for a year when they return to England. How are they going to get from Heathrow to Cambridge without being stopped by the police?

There have apparently been a lot of home renovations going on (congratulations to Upstanding, Idle Vice, Shaggy and Cadbury, who showed off their projects) while Floater and Scratchit have been putting the rest of us to shame with their gardening successes. Here's a montage she put together to illustrate a typical Arana Hills Sunday:

Floater's been using some of their garden output as models for drawing (it's cheaper than using nude humans):

She reports: "Afternoon walks in suburbia in general are surprisingly busy. People have to body swerve as the pavements are full of families, couples and dog owners out for some exercise. Night walks are generally quieter. We are...eating good food and downing drinks in the true HHH spirit...as well as walking."

Other hashers have also been out and about in their local areas. Here's Peggy going bush with Escargot at Mt. Nebo:

Budgie and Miss Behavin' experienced a Black Swan Event on their two-person, two-dog hash walk (they report that they have found a new route for us to take on when we're back together):

And Haughty's knee recovered sufficiently by Sunday for him to be able to keep up with a four year old at Cedar Creek:

Almost exactly ten years ago a bunch of us headed up to the Granite Belt for a Hash weekend away (hasn't time flown?) You can relive the memories (and/or check out the infamous table-dancing incident) here.

Keep those run reports and pictures coming! There'll be another virtual on, on this coming Sunday.

Stay safe, and

On, on!