Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Hashing in twos

As we predicted last week, the last few days have brought in new social distancing requirements - limiting "gatherings" to two people (this is surely a redefinition of the concept of a "gathering"!) The key wording from the new Queensland "Home confinement direction" states that a person who leaves the house "to engage in physical exercise" must do so "either alone or in the company of no more than one other person; or in the company of a family group who ordinarily live in the same Household".

So - for the first time since 1991 - there was no full-group hash meet this last Sunday, and we began hashing in twos. It was good to see that the traditional levels of post-run alcohol consumption were not affected by the changed circumstances. Keep it up, guys! And please keep sending in your pics for posting....

Le W*nk and Lax took to the streets of Mitchelton:

Budgie and Miss Behavin' headed for the rainforest at Mt Mee:

Shaggy and Cadbury (and Satchmo) explored the finishing touches that have been put in place at Wahminda:

And Culture and Haughty (on a day when they were supposed to be in Mexico City - ha, ha) completed a Mt Lawson ascent:

B-Flat and Malpractice are now out of home detention and have had a chance to visit Superhacker in hospital. They report that she is out of the ICU and back to her old self. She'll be going into rehab for a bit before heading home.

And, finally, we have Upstanding to thank for the following little true story:

A salesman approaching a country town sees a sign at the petrol station saying: “Free sex with every fill!” Needing fuel (and a bit intrigued) he decides to fill up. And as he pays he asks “What about the offer on the sign?”

“Oh, right,” says the attendant. “To make it legal, we have to run it as a competition. Pick a number between 1 and 10.”

The salesman replies "4”.

“Sorry, mate, today’s winning number is 7.”

He then stops in at the pub for a counter lunch and engages the barman in conversation. “I just filled up at the garage that has the sign offering free sex with every fill, but then I needed to guess the correct number to win! I reckon it’s just a con to get customers in.”

“No, it’s all legit,” says the barman. ”Last month my wife won 3 times!”

Keep walking...keep running...keep drinking...and keep those pics and stories coming in for the blog!

Stay safe...and

On, on!